Thursday, January 12, 2017

Meet Judy Dearborn Nill

Judy Dearborn Nill is the author of books for early readers, middle-grade readers, and young adults. She remembers her youth vividly--both the happy things, such as endowing her stuffed animals with individual personalities, and the more difficult experiences, such as growing up too big too soon.

These memories serve her well and provide understanding of those for whom she writes. 

Judy's professional writing career began as a reporter for a chain of city newspapers. She taught journalism for twelve years at community colleges and the university where she earned her degrees.

Her second career is in psychology. She has been a licensed mental health counselor since 2001. She enjoys listening to people's stories and helping them sort out what is important in their lives. She also likes to reflect on her own life with those who listen to her.


 Perseverance Pays Off


This author's middle name should be perseverance. Few writers "keep on keeping on" the rugged road to authorship as this determined woman has done. Thirty-five long years, ten revisions, and countless rejections stretched between the first draft and publication of Too Big (Guardian Angel Publishing, Inc. 2016.)
 Encouraged by four "close-but-no-contract-after-all" encounters with an editor from Scribner's, Judy refused to give up on her firstborn novel, but polished and continued to submit until it sold.

The refusal to quit also paid off with Ties that Blind (a revised version of Judy's coming-of-age novel).
Publisher's Weekly reviewed Simple Twists of Faith when it was a contest semifinalist, saying, "The characters in this novel are expertly rendered . . . The plot is engaging and keeps the reader wondering what the end result will be." This story about shattered expectations and the human ability to rebound is a keeper.

Samuel & Sophia, an early reader--or read-aloud book--features twin teddy bears facing separation in their search for a home (Guardian Angel;, 2015, illustrated by KC Snider.) A delightful story.

* * *

When asked, "What is your best advice for aspiring authors?" Judy replied, "Writing-for-publication classes and the writing groups that came from them have led me to lifetime friendships and networking advantages. Other writers I know have connected with agents and publishers through writing conferences. Do what fits and works for you. Enjoy the process. It may be a long one, like mine. Or you could strike gold on your first dig. You never know."

Judy is right--and a living example that persistence really does pay off.

Too Big,, etc. available at


Andi Carter said...

Wonderful write up, and I love the covers!

judy said...

Thank you, Colleen! This is lovely.

Colleen L. Reece said...

Yes . . . so significant! They reflect story contents well.

Colleen L. Reece said...

Glad you approve, Judy. I loved doing the post.

Sandra Nachlinger said...

I enjoyed your post about Judy Nill and her books. She's such a great writer! Her books appeal not only to young adults but also to not-so-young adults (like me).

judy said...

Thanks for all the kind comments, everyone. And thanks to Sandy for putting this blog post on Facebook!

Colleen L. Reece said...

Woo-hoo.That is great. And . . . as of right now I have had 1009 visits. About 20 since yesterday. Big smile.

Colleen L. Reece said...

You are so right. Judy's books have a place on my shelf along with treasured sets of books from my growing-up years.

Unknown said...

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