Monday, April 9, 2018

Four Times a Winner: The Story of a Novel #Multiple Sales #Co-authoring #Romance Novels

 Love Knows No Season


After co-authoring several successful gift books and some novellas for collections, my co-author Renee DeMarco and I decided to write a new and different type of romance, one with dual heroines. The winds of change are blowing for them both. Neither will  ever be the same.

A life of service


The winds of change are blowing for Emily Ann Carr. Forty-five, romance has passed her by. She has given her life to caring for her family. Now they are gone, leaving the question, "What shall I do with the rest of my life?" An unexpected legacy frees the lonely woman to follow a long-delayed dream--but only if she has the courage to seek her heart's desire. And to slowly realize that some dreams really do come true.

Now What?


The winds of change attacking Carolyn Sheffield are tornado force. Twenty plus years older than her niece Emily, Carolyn also faces an uncertain future. When she finds herself pursued by a handsome, good-natured widower, Carolyn--terminally single and proud of it-- wonders: Is the love she believes passed her by strong enough to crumble the walls she has built around her?


A long life


Heartsong Presents first published Changing Seasons in paperback in 2004. In 2011, Thorndike Press published a Large Print hardback Library Edition.  It was included in a 4-story Crossings Book Club collection. Close Enough to Perfect. 


Heart-warming Fan Mail


Renee and I thoroughly enjoyed writing this title. We were touched by letters from readers. Several mentioned how pleased they were to have older heroines in a romance novel.  One letter stood out above all the others. A lady wrote, "I had given up on ever finding love. Your book encouraged me to believe it can happen.


An affirmation of how books touch and influence lives.


Forget Me Not Romances, a division of Winged Publications, reissued in 2015 with a new title and cover.


Seasons of the Heart is available at






Sandra Nachlinger said...

I enjoy reading about older heroines, so both of these books appeal to me a lot. Beautiful covers, and the stories sound like ones I'd like.

judy said...

Always wonderful when a title (or titles) get multiple incarnations!

Colleen L. Reece said...

Thanks, Sandy and Judy. Julie and I had a great time writing this one. Readers were surprised to learn that I wrote Part 1: Emily Ann and Julie wrote Part 2: Carolyn. They expected it to be the other way around since I am 34 years older than Julie. I had Emily Ann in mind as a heroine waiting for just the right story. Julie patterned Carolyn after some older friends who found love in their golden years